The Adrenaline Championship meant more to Regan Street than any other title she ever held and to hear Asher Hayes accuse her of not caring about the Championship and what it meant irked her, she wanted to prove Asher and the world just how proud a champion she is. The problem for Regan was her approach to this match, it was a situation where she found herself treating the returning star like he was Datura. She couldn’t get down from the high, she let her emotions once again control her better judgment, it was like she learned nothing from the experience. It was the Adrenaline Title that kept her at bay, gave Regan purpose and focus when Datura tore her to the ground. Then Asher Hayes comes out of nowhere and is involved in a Battle Royal for a shot at either the Adrenaline or United States Championships, after winning he took the Adrenaline title match and Regan simply didn’t approach this match right and, in the end, it cost her the title. This really hurt Regan, after everything else she was going through, to see him disrespect her the Breakdown before, then losing the title….

It started to build another fire under her ass.

Anyone who knows Regan Street is well aware of just what the Hellcat is capable of, once in a while she gets caught, it’s happened twice this year but the one thing that Regan is great at doing is bouncing back. That night was tough though, first with her sister, staying quiet about her mother who had revealed to Regan the day prior about her cancer. Regan didn’t know how to deal with it, Giselle had promised Regan not to say anything to Mikaela. That sat heavy on her mind and she would never use that as an excuse as to why she failed and lost the title after defending it successfully at RTG XVI, blatantly put, Regan simply was rightfully prepared and tried to make something out what couldn’t be changed….

And she paid the ultimate price but like everyone knows, no one circles the wagons better than The Hellcat.



Baltimore MD



Regan sat in the locker room, she had already taken her wrestling boots and kneepads off, curling her toes with the black matte polish, her long straightened blonde hair hanging down, still wearing her long tights and cropped long sleeve cut off top, with all the black, gold and white cheetah print, her head leaning forward, staring right at the ground. Mikaela in jeans, open toed sandals and a black halter top paced, her nails a matte red and long blonde hair slicked back in a high ponytail. She didn’t know what else to say, the room was quiet, it had been an almost eerie feeling until Mikaela finally broke the silence…


reganCastPic-Mikaela6Mikaela: “You fought your ass off out there.”

Regan: “I should have beaten him, he’s not better than me, period. Tonight, he came to fight, I approached this all wrong, I fucked up and he made me pay for it. I give Asher kudos, he brought it and I wasn’t prepared for that, I was looking for something else.”

Mikaela: “Something else? What do you mean, something else?”

Regan: “I don’t know Miks…. I was missing that rush. The one I felt with Datura. It was the hangover; it wasn’t just my attitude and me acting like a cunt. I thought about this all night after we fought and then hung out with mom. Yeah, my approach sucked, Asher is a cool dude that said some shitty things about me….”

Mikaela: “Do you blame him?”

Regan: “No…. but saying that I don’t care about that title?”

Mikaela: “Yeah that was stupid.”


Regan lowers her head again, shaking it slowly still upset with herself. Mikaela knows how deeply hurting this is for Regan, a woman that takes a lot of pride in her work, but she was off the last few weeks, something was not right with her. She had to ask….


Mikaela: “Are you taking your meds, you were acting strange.”

ReganCastPic-ReganNEW3Regan: “I did, Mikaela there is a lot going on right now with me in my personal life and I am trying so hard to juggle it all. Maybe I needed that excitement, the thrill of the rush, I don’t know. Datura gave me something I am missing and it’s like I need more. I pushed Asher, maybe too far. He didn’t bite, he didn’t play along, why am I doing this to myself. Jesus Christ, I should have beat him. Damn it….”

Mikaela: “Regan… listen….”


Just then they are interrupted by a knock on the door, Regan turns and grabs her boot ready to throw it at the door, then she hears Jessica Winter’s voice….


Jessica: “Regan. It’s Jessica Winters. Can I get a word?”


Her green eyes shift toward Mikaela, slowly lowering the boot and dropping it on the floor. Mikaela shakes her head….


Mikaela: “Let me take care of this, you do NOT have to do this. I can tell her to bugger off, you don’t need to talk to her Regs.”

Regan: “I’ll talk to her; I need to do this.”

Mikaela: “Regan…”

Regan: “I got this.”


Regan walks toward the door, she takes a deep breath, there’s silence for a few moments. Jessica turns to the camera. Just then, the door opens. We see Regan Street standing on the other side.


Jessica: “Reg-“

Regan: “No…I don’t have anything to say.”

Jessica: “Are you sure-“


Regan is stopped as Mikaela then walks over and tells her to back away. Regan does and Mikaela steps out and turns to Jessica….


Mikaela: “Jessica. I appreciate you’re doing your job. But this is hitting her hard and I’d suggest not to press. The fact that she didn’t throw something at the door. I’d take that as your comment.”

Jessica: “Thank you.”


Mikaela closes the door, turning to Regan who runs her fingers through her hair in frustration. She was mad at herself; it was like she froze, didn’t feel like talking when she had every full intention to say something then suddenly, she just shut down. It was everything piling up on her, she needed to snap out of it, Regan couldn’t let this defeat define her or even get her down, pick up the pieces and move on, regroup like she did with Datura…..


Mikaela: “You should have let me handle that.”

Regan: “You did.”

Mikaela: “Let’s get out of here. Mom is still in town and I am sure she will want to see us, might as well take advantage of it now for when she goes off traveling for work again, we will never see her. It’s her M.O., you know that. Might as well enjoy the time while we have it, right?”

Regan: “Mikaela….”

Mikaela: “Yeah?”

Regan: “Sit down.”

Mikaela: “What is it, everything alright? Look, don’t let Jessica get you upset, she was just doing her job, sis. As for Asher, he’s a good dude, you pushed his buttons, he responded and now he is the champ, you will get another chance to beat him, hell you have a Trios too! Duh and….”


Regan quickly cuts her off….


Regan: “Mikaela, I’m not worried about any of that shit. When it falls, it falls. I lost the title, I made some erroneous mistakes, I acted like a fucking fool, I made him want to beat me even more, I was stupid to think otherwise. I need to get out of that mindset but it’s hard, it’s hard because it made me feel good. It energized me and you know damn well that I have been an insufferable bitch for a long time. I need to get my head straight, that’s it and Asher reminded me of it.”

Mikaela: “There is something else.”

Regan: “Yeah, there is.”

Mikaela: “What is it Regan?”


She stopped herself from blurting anything out loud to her sister, part of her wanted to just say it, she thought about what this would do to her sister which in turn, really started to affect the Hellcat. Mikaela needed to know; the problem was it her place to tell her. Regan sat there, in silence, finally Mikaela grabbed her arm, forcing Regan to look up at her younger sister right in her green eyes….


Mikaela: “Tell me, please? No secrets, remember?”

Regan: “I have been very bad at that.  I need to tell you something and I promised myself that I wouldn’t. You deserve the right to know.”

Mikaela: “What did you do?”

Regan: “I didn’t do anything Mikaela…. It’s mom.”

Mikaela: “What is wrong with mom?”

Regan: “She’s sick, Miks, mom is sick, and I have been thinking about it since she told me. I confronted her, wanted to know what the hell was going on and she finally fessed up and right now, I don’t know how to handle it, because I wasted all those years being so angry with them that now? I don’t know how to approach it.”

Mikaela: “Sick? How? What is wrong with her?”

Regan: “She has cancer……”


Mikaela’s eyes instantly start to tear up, Regan goes to grab her hand, but she yanks away and stands up…


Regan: “Mikaela?”

Mikaela: “Cancer? You knew about this and you didn’t say anything until now? I don’t care what mom said, I have a right to know! I have a right to mourn and be upset about this! When were you planning on telling me!?”

Regan: “I…. I wasn’t. I was going to let mom tell you instead.”

Mikaela: “Really!? Really!? You weren’t going to say a fucking thing!? You know what…..”

Regan: “Mikaela…. Please don’t do this right now.”

Mikaela: “…. Whatever, I can’t stand to look at you right now, it’s Regan always being selfish, it’s always about Regan this and that! Mom is sick and you don’t tell me…. That’s rich, that’s awesome…. You know what? I’m glad you lost to Asher! Go sulk, Regan, go be the Hellcat licking her wounds and making every loss a disaster piece so you can get all the attention and I am just the little sister who is an outsider and doesn’t even know her mother is sick!? I’m done…”

Regan: “Mikaela….. I know you are upset and…..”

Mikaela: “NO! you do not know what I am feeling right now and do not even try to pretend! Not this time Regan!”


Before Regan can even stop her, Mikaela storms out. Lowering her head, regretting she even said anything, Regan starts to ball up her fists and tremble in anger but just as she is about to reach that boiling point, she stops and takes a deep breath, closing her eyes and running her fingers through the long strands of blonde hair…..


A Few Hours Later


Regan wanted to see her mom but instead she texts her saying she was with Mikaela. Regan didn’t want to interfere with that, needing for both to talk things out. She elected to go back to her hotel room that she shared with Mikaela and Rachel Tatum Lee who sits on the bed, wearing shorts, a tank top and bare foot, her hair up in a ponytail with little makeup and nails polished silver. Regan sits next to her, she’s in her pajama pants and tank top. Both holding a glass of wine. Regan staring at her reflection off the merlot….


ReganCastPic-Rachel2Rachel: “Hey, sugar. There will be other chances, yer gonna get that sumbitch back. Where’s yer sister?”

Regan: “She’s with my mom. I don’t know Rachel, I feel like I make some pretty shit choices in my career, my life, I don’t know…. I fucked up tonight on all levels.”

Rachel: “Regan, ya have a family that loves ya, have a career that if ya retired tomorrow would be Hall of Fame. Ya have done it all girl. Yer entitled ta have a few nights like this, they don’t always go our way, ya know that. Besides, ya got yerself a fuckin’ Trios.”


Regan looks away for a moment, Rachel tilts her head, placing her hand on Regan’s lap….


Rachel: “Hellcat, look at me, sugar.”


She turns and looks right at Rachel….


Rachel: “Ya do have a Trios, right?”

Regan: “About that….”

Rachel: “Regan, what the fuck did ya do, girl!?”

Regan: “It was the only the way to get my kid out of the Beauty Factory.”

Rachel’s baby brown eyes widen, looking on stunned….


Rachel: “Come on! Not them!?”

Regan: “Rachel, I don’t want to talk about it right now. I don’t need you pissed off at me too. Mikaela hates me, I failed my fans, I acted like a complete idiot, I let Asher get the best of me after he bitch slapped me last week. I’m feeling pretty low right now. That Adrenaline title meant everything to me and now I don’t have a goddamn thing to show for it and yes, I don’t think I have a Trios anymore.”

Rachel: “Why do ya say that?”

Regan: “Much as Sasha hates Sienna and Laura? She may null and void it.”

Rachel: “Then get yer daughter out first.”

Regan: “I have already. I just can’t deal with it right, I want to get drunk, go to sleep and hopefully everything is okay in the morning. At least you won.”

Rachel: “He tried ta hurt me, pissed me off and I almost killed that bastard.”

Regan: “Good ol’ Rachel. I miss you, it’s nice having you around.”

Rachel: “Yeah, ya too.”

Just then the door opens, Mikaela walks in, she drops her purse on the chair, kicks off her shoes and heads to the bedroom, doesn’t even look at Regan or Rachel. The cowgirl nudges Regan….


Rachel: “Go talk to her. I gotta get some shut eye soon anyway. She needs ya right now and ya need her.”

Regan: “It has been a rough few weeks with Mikaela, I think I am losing her Rachel.”

Rachel: “Then go talk ta her and save it, Regs. Come on now, don’t make me kick yer ass, now.”


Regan smirks and nods….


Regan: “Always convincing.”

Rachel: “I try sugar. Go.”

Regan: “Okay…. Thank you.”

Rachel: “Anytime.”


Regan slowly gets out of the bed and starts to walk toward the door, she turns and looks at Rachel, raising an eyebrow….


Regan: “If I ever need a …..”

Rachel: “Just ask, I’ll be there.”

Regan: “I know you will.”


After a slight smile, Regan closes the door behind her and heads over to the other room. She opens the door and Mikaela is sitting on the bed, wearing a sleeping shirt and shorts. She looks up at Regan who cautiously closes the door and sits next to Mikaela….


Regan: “Mikaela…. How was mom?”

Mikaela: “She was upset that I knew. She wanted you there, I told her no, I wanted to spend time with her alone. We talked and I told her how pissed I was and that it wasn’t fair to me that she told you do not tell me. I told her that we fought, and it made her more upset. She doesn’t want us to fight.”

Regan: “I don’t want to fight either. I love you sis and I fuck up a lot, I am trying my best to change and maybe tonight was what I needed to rattle my head and remind me just how vulnerable and immature I can be. This though? I will never sacrifice for anything ever again. It’s been a long road for us Miks and we were separated for a long time. I think you and I need to not only be there for mom, we have a lot of making up to do with her for lost time, you know?”


Mikaela nods….


Mikaela: “Regs, I didn’t mean anything by what I said at the arena, I was angry and all I thought about was saying nasty things to hurt you. I didn’t mean any of that, I swear. I was really mad that you lost, and Asher is a cool dude, but you know that this comes first. I am such a screw up. I let CHBK manipulate, I fall for a married man who is with a woman you despised for a long time. I am a fucking mess and I always look at you and say how big of a fuck up you are Regan but in reality, it’s me, not you. Regan, you don’t know how much I look up to you and how proud I am of what you’ve done in the last year. You’re a wonderful mother, wife and sister. A great friend, wrestler and finally you’re starting to get that this is a sport and not your life because your life is in Laurel Canyon right now. Your life is in that heart and I can only hope that one day I will be half the woman you are.”


Regan smiles as tears trickle down her cheeks. Mikaela was already crying; she nods as Regan grabs her as they embrace….


Regan: “I love you so much and you’re not a screw up, you are one of the strongest women I know. Right now, we need to be there for mom. She has a long road to go and it’s going to be tough and hopefully she will beat it, but she can’t do it alone.”

Mikaela: “No… she can’t. I told her that we will never leave her side.”

Regan: “No sister, we won’t.”


Just then there is a knock on the door, Regan and Mikaela both turn to the door as Rachel opens it with a bottle of wine and three glasses….


Rachel: “Bitches, I can’t fuckin’ sleep so I need help finishin’ this bottle of wine.”


Regan and Mikaela both smile as Rachel winks….


Regan: “Get in here Cowgirl.”

Mikaela: “Pour me a double, please.”

Rachel: “Now we’re talkin’!”


As Rachel pours wine in the glasses, the three women share a moment that they will never forget, a bonding experience that can only be explained as three sisters sharing an emotional night where they saw victory, defeat and reality. Selena was missing, hurt from her match and with her family but she was in spirit.

And for the first-time tonight Regan didn’t think about losing the Adrenaline Championship….

She thought about….











The Scene Opens….


The Oklahoma City National Memorial is a memorial in the United States that honors the victims, survivors, rescuers, and all who were affected by the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19, 1995. The memorial is located in downtown Oklahoma City on the former site of the Alfred P. Murrah Building which was destroyed in the 1995 bombing. This building was located on NW 5th Street between N. Robinson Avenue and N. Harvey Avenue.

The list of national memorials of the United States was authorized on October 9, 1997, by the President of the United States Bill Clinton’s signing of the Oklahoma City National Memorial Act of 1997. It was administratively listed on the National Register of Oklahoma City the same day. The memorial is administered by Oklahoma City National Memorial Foundation, with National Park Services staff to help interpret the memorial for visitors. The National Memorial Museum and the Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism are components housed in the former Journal Record Building on the north side of the memorial grounds.

The memorial was formally dedicated on April 19, 2000: the fifth anniversary of the bombing. The museum was dedicated and opened the following year on February 19. Here is where we find the Hellcat of the SCW, Regan Street, the former Adrenaline Champion who recently lost the title to Asher Hayes. Regan was the first to admit to herself that she went about this all wrong, still stuck in the Datura phase, wanting so much to have that same high, the same rush that she gave her in those last eight months and yet Asher was a different beast altogether. He came prepared, he had time to scout Regan, he had time to rest and focus, she may have taken him lightly or simply took him as someone else, he on the other hand knew the challenge and caught her. Regan can’t be upset at that, whether his words toward her were a load of crap, the point is he came to win and that he did and it hurt Regan, not as much as she would want you to believe but enough where she now wonders what is next for her. Now it’s the road to recovery, time to do the one thing that Regan Street is best at, bounce back and get on track. She knows that Asher Hayes name will be drawn again whether for the title or not and this time, she will not make the same mistake twice.

Wearing jeans, ankle boots and a black halter top with a leather jacket, her long blonde straightened hair hanging down and a glossy coating on her nails. Mikaela stands next to her with jeans, peep toe pumps, a red blouse and long hair hanging down, her nails polished black and like her older sister made up perfectly, the only thing missing, Championship Gold.




Regan looks around at the National Memorial, Mikaela with her, they both understand the significance of this place as she looks over at the camera and speaks in her sexy yet direct voice….


ReganCastPic-ReganShoot1“A few years ago, I don’t know if this place would have had such an impact on me as it does now. Honestly, I didn’t care about much but myself and career, oblivious to the outside world to the point if it wasn’t my problem, I wasn’t interested in it. Now as I look at the structure of the memorial and the Oklahoma Bombing, all I can think about is the families it affected, those that were killed and the husbands, wives, sons, daughters, were all lost in the meaningless tragedy. I came here as a reminder that the problems I find or have are trivial compare to this. All I ever cared about was wins, losses and titles. The SCW has been my life for almost eight long years. I take great pride in what I have accomplished, who I have beaten and what championships I’ve held. For me wrestling was more than just a sport or a job, it’s a legacy that I will leave behind one day and smile…..

But unlike Kelcey Wallace, I am not perfect.

I make a lot of mistakes; I tend to sometimes not even think and just do. In a way it pisses me off, because I know deep in my heart that I am better than this. I have been busting my ass for this company, for my family, fans, anyone that watches the product knows that Regan Street puts in 110% each and every time I walk into the ring for I am ready to face any challenger that stands in front of me but in this case, my approach was wrong, my focus was on a wrestler that was not the same, I seriously couldn’t get past the hangover of Datura and I tried so hard to make this with Asher Hayes into what I had with Datura and for that it cost me the Adrenaline Championship, a title that saved me from my own madness after losing to her back in January. Asher Hayes came to fight; he took it to me and earned not only the Adrenaline Championship but my respect. Am I mad? Yes, mad at myself for not taking him like I should have, that is on me. I will not make any excuses on my defeat, I tried to bait him, he didn’t bite, I walked in champion and walked out a loser. I now have to carry that burden, but you know what? I will meet Asher in the ring again one day, it may not be for anything more than pride and I am okay with that.

Did he say some fucked up things about me going into Apocalypse? Yes, but in time I will address those, for now he can enjoy it, I don’t lose very often and when I do, I am the very best at picking herself back up, dusting off and rebounding. I have done it with each and every defeat I have experienced. There are other challenges awaiting me and it will be a matter of time before I become a SUPREME Champion. For now, though I must accept what happened and move on. I apologize to my fans and those that believe in The Hellcat, I promise that I won’t let you down, it was a bump in the road, and I am ready to keep going down that path to the very end. Do the belt justice Asher….

Because if you don’t, I’m coming to kick your ass, match or no match.”


Regan feels naked with a title, she wanted to look over her shoulder and it is not there anymore. The Hellcat has some more pressing matters to deal with, mainly Damian Angel. She was involved in a Twitter exchange with Xander Valentine that she has NOT forgotten about. Regan paces a little before looking into the camera, Mikaela looks over at her and cuts in, Regan looks a bit surprised….


reganCastPic-Mikaela6“I need to say something. My sister has come a long way and for her to stand here and admit she was wrong in her approach and how she handled the match with Asher Hayes takes a lot of courage. She could have made excuses, she could have blamed Asher, or even the SCW for many reasons but instead this falls all on her and I am proud that it has come to this. The one thing she shouldn’t be is ashamed and for the last few weeks that is the impression I get. This woman right here is proud, she loves this business and the SCW, fought for at Retribution in case all of you forgot. My sister has realized that family comes first and at the same time? She is still the baddest bitch in this company and will go toe to toe with anyone and at anytime on her way to becoming a Supreme Champion. Asher caught her, kudos to him, would he do it again? No, because that s how good my sister is. So pay close attention Asher Hayes, Xander Valentine and especially you Damian Angel as Regan Street is focused and ready to take that next step to her immortality!”


Mikaela turns to Regan and nods, the surprised older sibling smirks, happy to see her little sister talk with such fire and passion. Mikaela steps back, Regan then turns to the camera and now she is ready to speak. Clearing her voice, she addresses the viewers….


“Thank you, sis, see? MIKAELA KNOWS BEST. Well, now I have to move on, pick up the pieces, and look forward to what chapter I will write and from my little Twitter exchange with Xander Valentine, he knows that I have NEVER forgotten what has happened for almost the entire year and while his wars with Selena Frost have hit its apex, my schedule has now cleared up because we know damn well that was my fight until Datura came back. So Xander, I already called you out, I even begged the SCW to let you back in, whatever the case, come tomorrow night, I will be in that ring with bells and whistles waiting for you. That is after I beat the ass of a man who has helped you countless amounts of times, a former World champion and Taking Hold of the Flame winner, one of the most dangerous and sadistic men on the planet, Damian Angel. Damian, you have been nothing short than a thorn in the side of my family. Kennedy is now Sonia’s mother and your daughter…. Wait, fuck that she is the daughter of Kennedy and Jonathan Knots now, that little girl is the sweetest thing, smart and intelligent, to think that she came from your loins is repulsive and sickening. That is what you are though Damian, and this whole Devil thing is a little scary, you are into the dark side of religion, if it rocks your jollies than more power to you. I watched you and Datura wrestle at Apocalypse, it was a fight and at the end of the day she won, I know how that is, been there. Maybe this is how the SCW wants to get me on track, give me an opponent that I despise so much I would do whatever it took to defeat him and get back to my winning ways…..

Or it could be a trap match against a very talented and sadistic human being. After all the trauma you have caused with my family and the things you’ve done to countless others, I almost feel like I have to kick your ass to the cement to get any sort of satisfaction out of this match. Don’t think I forgot you brainwashing that simple idiot, Konrad Raab to attack me either or the tag team match. Watching Konrad and the Rainbow Warrior was pretty fucking pathetic Damian and I bet you were so proud of yourself, right?

Too bad because I am in a real foul mood and since your buddy, Xander will be watching, I have to keep appearances you know. Damian, bottom line I am coming to Breakdown to not only get back to my winning ways, I want to make a statement that for once in my life, I fight for something greater than me, I fight for this company and the people who love this business. I am tired of your shit, I am tired of watching you control others, manipulate the system and most of all change the narrative to fit your agenda through fear. I am not afraid of you; I will stand right in front of you face and slap the brimstone out of your ass! People like you make me sick and if you want to talk about some real HELL there, Devil? GOOD, look no further than the HELLCAT.

And after this is over, your legend will still be told in tales, you though won’t exist.”


A scowl forms on the face of Regan Street, looking right into the camera as Mikaela nods in approval, loving the fire and desire coming from her sister. Regan understands how tough of a match this is and she will not be looking for anything other than a victory and to make a true statement. She turns back and speaks…..


“You had your time here Damian, you’ve left moments in history still etched in people’s minds, well I am going to give them all something to remember you and me by. I had a hiccup, it’s time to make up for it and what better way than with you Damian….

For I don’t believe in HELL….

And both you and the prophecy preached?

Are going to END in a CATastrophe!”


She turns to Mikaela who smirks, then back at the camera with an arched eyebrow….




Backing up, Regan stares into the camera with narrowing green eyes, Mikaela looks on as Regan walks away and her little sister follows….





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