“Why Wrestling?”

ReganCastPic-Regan9“That is a pretty forward question and I don’t know if I have a forward answer to it. I never planned to be a wrestler, I was a girl from England that moved at a very young age to Florida and grew up in Orlando. Disney World, Universal, theme parks, it is the tourist capital of the States, possibly the Globe. I liked to play music, put on makeup, paint my nails, do my hair, I was a girly girl all the way up to High School. I started to play guitar, became a pretty good singer, so in many ways that is what I wanted to do, but my father had other plans. I was abused physically, but it didn’t happen until my teens, probably around 14-15 years old, when he had become an alcoholic.   It got to the point I left the house after he slugged me pretty good one night and left me unconscious for an amount of time. After a few days on the street, Trinity brought me in. I was always a casual fan of wrestling but not a fanatic. Sitting at her house, I started watching tapes, fell in love with it, then knew that is what I wanted to do the rest of my life.”

“Who was your real first test?”

“Marina Trent. She was a bitch and had something I wanted, the Women’s Championship, the first title I ever held in the SCW, won it by chance at Fatal Fortunes. Previous times it was hard, after that I never had a problem beating her again.”

“If you could attribute your early success to one person not Trinity, who would it be?”

That one is easy, Rachel Foxx. Let me tell you about Rachel Foxx, she is probably one of the smartest and yet sadistic women you’ll ever meet. She nurtured me into the business, taught me what NOT to do in the ring, she had this aura about her that was intoxicating. I was fresh out of college, had just turned 23 and was full of life, I was looking for something different. I was single, dated on and off, had some same sex relationships I’m not ashamed of, it was all part of the learning process. Rachel though, she showed me the inner workings of the business, the betrayal, the dark side of the ring if you will. She was so prolific in her stance, a self-made millionaire, I admired it most about her. Brittany Lohan too, we were quite the threesome, those two ladies molded me into who I am now more than they know.”

“Have you ever suffered any major injuries?”

“Really only one, I broke my leg in a match against Devon Kayl, I was out for about two months. When I came back, I killed that son of a bitch, I mean not literally, more I kicked his ass so bad that he was never the same and eventually left. Those were not good times for me.”


“Influences. I will still learning the ropes, seeing who I could trust, had my back, there was one in particular who took interest, CHBK. He’s a legend in the SCW and who wouldn’t want to listen to a man with so much knowledge like him. He visited me all the time while I was injured, he sold me on what I had to do. I respected and listened carefully, I was only a year into the business and honestly was frustrated at some things, especially wanting a chance at the World Championship. I had already tasted it winning it once for 24 hours. I wanted it again, can’t really blame a girl for that you know? In the end though, I ended up turning on my family, my sister who was 20 at the time dated him, he was old enough to be her dad, shit maybe even her grandfather at this point. It really turned a lot of things upside down but at the end of the day, everything worked out for the best.”

“If you could go back and change one thing in your career, what would it be?”

“For some reason, I knew this question was coming. It’s hard to have too many regrets in wrestling, if you do, you’re only hurting yourself. There are a few times that I have thought of many things I did, I wish I didn’t. Truth be told, I don’t regret doing them as much as I do the consequences which followed. I think I’m living one right now…. His name is Tommy Valentine.”










After Taking Hold of the Flame and defending her Television Championship successfully against the artist formerly known as Scarlet Gray, Void. Regan had found herself in a very unique predicament. Her life was going to be caught on camera, chronicled in a special project by Impact Media, so that the fans, those casual wrestling viewers and anyone that was interested in the life of a professional wrestler could watch and see what they go through on a daily basis. This was something new for Regan and the Helms Family, while their privacy was going to be on display, it would also make them more aware of how they acted and what they were saying, their lives would be open and Big Brother would be watching. Regan wanted this to be a part of her Road into Rise To Greatness, of course if her TV title run was to end, she wouldn’t be airing these on a weekly basis, but Impact Media ran by Shaun Cruze and Blake Mason had other plans just in case, there was a contingency, but betting against Regan Street was never a good bet. The Hellcat was ready for this role, she was looking forward to what it would bring as Shaun had a huge announcement for Regan’s movie, and she was stoked, ready to see what would come of it, but that never once wavered her attention from the task at hand, and defending the TV Title especially a dark horse like Cookie.

As Regan and the rest of the family geared up to what would be a wild ride, she took some time on her own to reflect on everything that had been going on between her husband and Tommy Valentine. There was the fact he won Trios and Taking Hold of the Flame, some might even think that Regan was a bit jealous or upset, that was not the case, she was madder at herself then anything. Regan simply wanted to knock things off her bucket lists. Winning Taking Hold of the Flame was one of them, Main Eventing Rise to Greatness was the other and she surpassed it to get her hands on Datura last year. Regan now had two goals, to defend the TV title until she can’t walk anymore, hopefully taking it with her into RTG and finally to become a Supreme Champion….

And the latter, no one was going to stop her.

The Road had started last week and so did the filming which led to this weeks Breakdown in Oklahoma City, where things were about to get very interesting.


Helms Home

Laurel Canyon, CA.

6:00 AM



She laid there asleep, Regan Street had half a sheet on her, luckily, she wasn’t sleeping in the nude as she has often in the past or just in some thongs. This time she was in some shorts, and a tank top, her foot with the matte red polish hung off the bed sprawled out, David Helms had already rolled off earlier, he was downstairs drinking coffee. She started to turn a little, still dead asleep, the camera right on The Hellcat when suddenly….




Her arm reached over, hitting the alarm clock, but it continued to buzz, when she finally slammed her hand hard on it, stopping it quickly. Slowly stirring, she turns over and stretches. After about 30 seconds, she slowly opens her green eyes, before being startled by the camera, scurrying under the sheet and against the headboard….


Regan: “Oh for crying out loud!? Are you guys serious!? We are doing this first thing in the morning!? Can’t a girl sleep and get up peacefully!? Was…. Was I snoring?”


The camera man shakes his head….


Regan: “Ah good. You all can get out of the room now; I must do lady things and need to get ready for the day. So please, get out, that is right…. Get out….”


Jumping out of bed, Regan escorted the cameramen out. She then closes the door and was getting ready. Downstairs, David Helms and Jason were having Breakfast, it looked like little Jay was ready to head out to camp. David had made some pancakes, they were already dressed and ready to take on the day…..


ReganCastPic-JayJay: “Dad?”

Dave: “Yeah kiddo?”

Jay: “Do I have to act different because there is a camera filming us?”

Dave: “Not at all son, be yourself… but behave. Look at it like this, there are going to be millions who are going to know who you are and you might even become famous, you wouldn’t want them to think you’re a brat, right?”

Jay: “No… no way, but I’m not a brat.”

Dave: “Good, keep it that way and eat your pancakes. Regan will be down shortly; I see she kicked the camera crew out to get ready. So anyway, what are you going to do at camp today, son?”

Jay: “We are learning how to row a boat.”

Dave: “That should be fun.”

Jay: “Yeah, but a couple of the kids there say we can be eaten by sharks.”

Dave: “There are no sharks in the lake, Jay.”


He shrugs his shoulders and keeps eating his pancakes. David smirks, hearing Regan running down the stairs in tights, work out top and sneakers, a ball cap with her hair hanging out from the back…


ReganCastPic-David2David: “Where are you going today?”

Regan: “Babe, you don’t have to act in front of the camera, you know I go work out every Monday morning with Delilah.”

David: “Oh right, I was trying to, you know, have some dramatization. Anyway, I can take Jay to camp and….”

Regan: “Nonsense, I will drop him off, it’s on the way anyway. I’ll see you later alright, I wanted to talk to you anyway about something Trinity had told me.”

David: “Right, that. We can talk off camera.”

Regan: “Okay, love you.”

David: “Love you too.”


As Jay finishes his breakfast, Regan has his backpack, her gym bag and all the necessities hanging off her arms, smiling to Jay he gets up and follows her out….



ReganCastPic-Regan3Our Family is pretty regimented and routine throughout the week. We have a pretty hectic schedule, always up by six AM, I try to spend as much time as I can with my stepson and husband, take a few with my granddaughter, get a good work out in at Ante Up, which is going through some changes as we speak, especially helping out Delilah, we do run into some other SCW superstars from time to time there including all the kids training, it is a good way to start the week as Monday is probably the only real free day I have before traveling on Tuesday to the city where Breakdown is held. It used to be a lot crazier when Jennifer lived with us, I tried to spend a lot with her, but she has a boyfriend now, is THE Champion in EMERGE, she doesn’t hang out with mom as often. Anyway, Jay usually goes to camp all week during the summer, with David now traveling with me, AJ now wrestling again, Jennifer in Europe with Kathryn now, I have hired a new babysitter to take care of Jay when those every three weeks everyone is gone. Summer Camp helps a lot, he meets new people and makes friends, that is important, Jay is a great kid.”



As they sit in the car, driving, Regan gets cut off by the driver in front of her….


Regan: “What that actual fu…. Grrrrr!”

Jay: “Can I say what you normally say?”

Regan: “What do I normally say?”



Her eyes widen, jaw drops…


Regan: “Uh…. Can we cut that out of the final product?”

Jay: “Oh come on say it!”

Regan: “Jay, I am so going to have child protective services knocking on my door in like twenty minutes. We don’t say those things, do as I say, not as I do. I have outburst, next time put on your headphones and listen to, whatever you kids are listening too these days. We don’t repeat it, alright?”

Jay: “Okay, fine. I was hoping for more money in the tip jar.”

Regan: “In the tip jar? Do you know that with all the money in the jar after I curse, you could probably pay your way through college? Seriously, kiddo, can the bad words, alright?”

Jay: “Okay.”

Regan: “Promise? Pinky, swear?”

Jay: “Pinky swear.”


Regan and Jay pinky swear, before she kisses him on the forehead as she is dropping him off at camp….


Regan: “Love you, have fun.”

Jay: “Love you too, thanks!”


He steps out, running to the counselor who waves at Regan, returning the gesture before driving off….


Regan: “I love that kid so much, we used to have issues when I first married David, most of them were my fault, I just wasn’t ready to be a mother then like I am now. So now that Jay is in camp, I am on my way to pick up Delilah, she is my cousin, any wrestling fan knows Delilah from the World’s Best Tag Team Tourney. This is our Monday ritual, she is about fifteen minutes up the road, living in West Hollywood close to my sister, Mikaela, though she likes to sleep in on Mondays and goes for an extensive run on the boardwalk.”

Twenty Minutes Later


Regan pulls up as the adorable Delilah with her hair in piggy tails wearing a neon green work out suit, sneakers and glasses hops into the passenger door of the Jeep…


Delilah: “Hi mate! I….”


She notices the camera, then taps Regan on the shoulder, leaning in and whispering but the camera and the mic pick up everything….


ReganCastPic-DelilahDelilah: “Hey Regs, I hate to break it to you, but there is a cameraman and a lad holding a mic in the backseat of your Jeep.”

Regan: “Yeah, I know. They are recording us for a special documentary they are doing about me and the life of a wrestler.”

Delilah: “I thought you were joking, so is this really going to be on air for millions to see?”

Regan: “Yeah, really.”


Delilah turns to face the camera and grins waving her hand in excitement. Regan is trying to figure out what exactly she is trying to do….


Delilah: “Hi mates! I’m Delilah, professional wrestler and part of the Pina Coladas with HUNG….”

Regan: “Hugo… call him Hugo. HUNG sounds too…. You know.”

Delilah: “Oh right, so Hugo. Anyway, we really won the World’s Greatest Tag Team Tournament, well, we shared it with another team because we beat them before, and now they took the trophy back to whatever Armory they wrestle out of.”


Regan chuckles at the snide remark of Delilah….


Delilah: “So let me tell you about Regan. She is the bestest of the best, mates. She is wonderful, such a great caring person, what you see in the ring is the Hellcat part of her, in reality she is completely awesome. I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for Regan. I think what makes her so special is that she balances so much in her life, being a mum, wife, sister, friend, mentor, wrestler, the woman keeps busy all the time. What else…..”

Regan: “Delilah, I think you have said more than enough.”

Delilah: “There was something else I was going to say, oh yeah, she wears leopard print like….”

Regan: “…. Okay that is enough. Sit down, please. We are driving.”

Delilah: “But I am….”

Regan: “Seriously.”


Delilah pouts, sitting down quietly for a moment. She then takes out her iPhone and starts looking for stuff….


Delilah: “Can I play some music?”

Regan: “Sure, music would be nice. Please do.”

Delilah: “Awesome, HUN… Hugo got me into this band, I think you’re really going to like it.”

Regan: “Go ahead and play it.”


As Delilah turns the Bluetooth on, she shifts through the songs and finds one she likes, the beats start playing as she bops her head, Regan’s eyes widen, the lyrics start to play….


Delilah: “Straight Outta Compton! Crazy Motherfucka named Ice Cube! From the gang called Nig….”




Regan: “OOOOOOkay, that is enough of that.”

Delilah: “Oh come on, it’s really good! Listen to the rest of it, they are called NWA, it stands for….”

Regan: “I know what it stands for Delilah, here, we can play one of the other stations, one of the ones I have programmed here, this station plays some good stuff…”


Delilah again is pouting, when the station is changed to local radio, she turns with her eyes widen as Regan winks….


Delilah: “Regs…. Nooooooo”


Suddenly the sounds of Clay Aiken, “Invisible” start to play on the radio, Delilah turns to the cameramen….


Delilah: “Shut it off.”

Regan: “Keep rolling boys. Come on Delilah, sing…. If I was Invisible, then I can just watch away in your room….”

Delilah: “That is so creepy.”

Regan: “I know it’s great!”


The young Delilah sinks in her seat as they continue to drive to Ante Up Academy….


ReganCastPic-Delilah“Ante Up Academy, this is the place where we all train to be wrestlers’ mates. Tell you what, all these superstars in SCW have shown up there. David and Regan, along with others run a pretty tight ship, David and Tommy, Matty and Brittany…. Oh Brittany, she’s a biggum, I am scared of her, it’s like when you’re walking in the middle of a field cow-tipping, and then there’s this huge bull standing right in front of you ready to gore your bum? Yeah, that is Brittany. Anyway, this is where the magic happens, Regan has kicked my arse more times than I can count here, but that is training with her, she might be outgoing in the car listening to Clay Aiken just to grind my ears, she has better taste than that, but in the ring, she isn’t just a Hellcat, she is a bloody Roaring Lion.”



Ante Up Academy

Thirty Minutes Later


As they enter Ante Up Academy, Regan and Delilah walk right up to Matty Stone, he tilts his head and sees the camera crew with her. The rings are full, students are training, there is one empty one in the corner reserved for Regan and Delilah, she walks up to Matty and pats him on the chest….


Regan: “What’s going on Matty, my favorite fat Irish Bostonian prick.”

ReganCastPic-MattyStoneMatty: “That might be the nicest thing you’ve said to me in a while doll. What’s with the cameras?”

Regan: “They are doing a docu-series on me, the life of a professional wrestler, trust me they have been with me since I woke up this morning, you have my ring ready?”

Matty: “Sure do doll. Ring 12, your favorite. Hey Delilah.”

Delilah: “Hi mate, it’s the wicked pissah today, eh?”


Matty starts to laugh….


Matty: “Now you’re getting the hang of things around here.”


Regan turns to the camera….


Regan: “This here is Matty Stone, he is the gatekeeper in Ante Up, when the others are on the road, wrestling, he continues to make the magic happen along with others like Brittany Lohan who is actually teaching a class right now….”


They all turn to see Brittany brain buster a student into the canvas….


Regan: “….. In ethics.”

Delilah: “Bloody hell.”

Regan: “So anyway, Ante Up was the lifelong dream of Matty, Tommy Valentine who this will be the only time I mention his name, and my husband David Helms. When David retired, the first time, this became his baby, when he unretired the last seven times before finally sticking with it, Matty now is the big dog who runs the yard. This is where it all starts. We have athletes from high school and college, fitness models and even kids on the street that want their life to be what I have been doing for the last eight plus years. There is a commitment and dedication that goes along with this rigorous training, and I expect nothing less. Take Delilah for example, she started training here six or seven months ago, and now has a full time contract with EMERGE and has a record of 5-1 in tag team wrestling which is awesome for a rookie, that is because she has embraced the importance of being at your peak, the best you can be, half ass it here? You’ll never make it. Come on.”


As Regan walks away, Delilah smiles….


Delilah: “I love it when she talks dirty.”


She starts to follow Regan, while Matty looks on….


Matty: “She is right, out of all the kids we get here, I would say about 65% of them graduate, out of those 65%, maybe 30% make it to the big time, and become Champions in wrestling promotions like SCW, EMERGE and GCW to name a few. Wrestling is not for everyone, there are kids who think they can just wear a pair of trunks and become the next Regan Street or Syren. Nah, a lot of them are gone after the first week. This is about more than just being some muscular guy with a huge personality and gimmick, this is about a certain type of athlete, those two women you just saw walking up there, they are that type. A rare breed.”


Matty heads over to the ring, showing the cameramen around, they are filming all of Ante Up, when turning and focusing on Regan and Delilah training. The video keeps running, they are performing holds on each other, while Matty looks on….


Matty: “To be the best, you have to train with the best.”


A smile comes across his face as the camera continues to roll, they show Regan and Delilah performing some holds, showing how much guts and determination, practice it takes to be an SCW Wrestler…..


RachelCastPic-Brittany“What can I say about Regan Street? I have known her since the first day she entered the business. We were all in awe in her first match against Clamidya and from that moment, every wrestler in the SCW knew she was going to be a big star. Regan just does it all well, she isn’t extravagant, there is no huge entrance, glitz or glamour about her. She doesn’t demand the attention that many others have but will never be as successful, because The Hellcat has quietly become the most consistent wrestler in the business. She gained my respect early on, we have fought our wars, end of the day, she is by far one of the toughest women I have ever stepped in the ring with. There was a time when the Hellcat in the ring and out of the ring were the same. She has matured a lot since, she is a complete person and a good friend, she is definitely someone that you want by your side.”



One Hour Later

Ante Up Academy


The camera focuses on Regan talking to Matty in the office, she is wiping the sweat from her face, shaking her head. They look to be in deep conversation about something important. It is probably what is happening right now between Tommy Valentine and David Helms concerning Ante Up, Regan sees the camera and shakes her head….


Regan: “Camera off on this one, I’m serious.”




The cameras shut off. She looks flustered, pacing a little as Matty tries to calm her down….


Matty: “Look, I get it. I was trying to play the middleman here doll, but every time I tried to diffuse the situation, it became the wicked pissah. I didn’t know what to do, so I tried to hear out both sides, they are both my bros, but what I saw here a few weeks ago? NO, that wasn’t Tommy.”

Regan: “Of course it isn’t Tommy he has become an instant asshole. All he wants to do now is ruin everything that David and I have worked for and do you think I am going to let that happen? David? What is going on with Ante Up is bullshit. He shouldn’t have to sell, Matty! If anything, Tommy needs to be bought out and he can go straight to hell! This is David’s not his.”

Matty: “I tried to talk to him, hopefully I got through, I don’t know. He and Lucas were talking and….”

Regan: “Talking about what?”

Matty: “Partnering up.”

Regan: “So that is what Trinity was trying to tell me on the phone yesterday. I thought she was talking about their rum.”

Matty: “Keep this between us, alright? Let David tell you if he feels like it.”


Regan took a second before she nodded, then turned to the cameras to come back on….




… she slugs Matty in the chest….


Matty: “Owww…. What the fu….. hell was that for doll?”


Whispering, Regan is trying to gesture Matty to play along….


Regan: “Play along… “

Matty: “Play along?”

Regan: “Yes, play along.”

Matty: “Play along for what?”

Regan: “For the love of God Matthew, this is why I will always cheer the Yankees over the Red Sox.”

Matty: “Oh bitch, you didn’t.”

Regan: “I did.”

Matty: “Why I oughtta…..”

Regan: “Hold that thought, I need to go. We’ll talk later.”

Matty: “Alright, take care doll.”


Regan gave Matty a hug and walked out, she looked into the camera and smirked….


Regan: “Now the real fun begins.”


She winks and steps out, the camera follows her as Regan meets up with Delilah, they talk a bit before heading out to the car….


ReganCastPic-Regan5“It can be overwhelming at times to be a wrestler, the training involved, the study of your opponent, preparing yourself where sometimes you may not have much going on, other times you have too much and it is hard to handle. Right now, I am in the middle of a Television Title Run, where every single week I need to defend the belt until someone takes it from me. It could be a veteran or a legend, a newcomer or an unknown, after each defense, it gets harder ad harder which is why David and I like to arrive a day early, get settled in, be able to really enjoy ourselves and relax so the next day, the one of the event we have a clear mind, get a good workout in and head out to the arena early. Before Dave returned, I didn’t hang out much at the arena, go out there, most wrestlers are usually there, they like to scope out the stage, try the ring, look at the accommodations, maybe just know how to get there from the hotel, whatever the case, it seems like it has become a ritual now and to my surprise a lot of wrestlers are there, for production meetings, or maybe the boss has some instructions. Wrestling is the greatest show on earth, it is such a huge undertaking to put on a show and all the work that goes into it. Breakdown is tomorrow night, Dave and I along with Delilah, Mikaela and our new runaway, Jordan Majors decided to go scope out the arena.”


Chesapeake Energy Arena

Oklahoma City, OK.


3:00 PM


Regan Street is entering the arena through the back, she has on jeans, thong sandals and a Rolling Stone t-shirt, a ball cap on with her long lair hanging out of the mouth, toenails polished a matte red. Behind her is Delilah in a flowery sleeveless blouse, jeans and sandals, nails polished a hot pink. David is already there talking to some of the SCW staff, as Regan makes her way past him….


David: “There are a lot of people here babe, I was really surprised, I thought we would be the only ones.”

Regan: “Awesome, the more the merrier.”

David: “You aren’t serious.”

Regan: “Oh lighten up, if I get into a fight, it will all be caught on film for the audience to view and they will love it.”

David: “You are serious?”

Delilah: “Dave, mate…. She’s serious.”

reganCastPic-Mikaela4Mikaela: “Very from what Delilah has been telling me since yesterday.”

David: “Oh brother.”

Regan: “Relax, everything is fine. Why don’t you tell the camera what you did?”

David: “Babe, what did I do?”


Rolling her eyes, she whispers in his ear, he nods and smiles…


David: “Oh right, that. So, I won Taking Hold of the Flame, one of the biggest events of the year. This is where 40 wrestlers come in at 2-minute intervals, over the top rope and both feet must touch the floor to be eliminated. I had the luck of the draw in this, I ended up winning and the winner gets to Main Event the biggest event of the year, Rise to Greatness and get a World Title shot.”

Regan: “That’s right, my man.”

David: “Oh hush.”

Regan: “I’m going to show the camera crew around, see who else is here they can talk to. Get a feel for the other talent, what it takes to go behind the scenes in the business, that sort of stuff. They can get in depth look at what we go through, I think they will find it pretty neat.”

David: “Pretty neat?”

Regan: “I need to watch my language…. Ass.”


He cracks a smirk as Regan kisses him on the lips. She starts to head down the hallway, passing some of the locker rooms where the names are already posted on the door. Delilah takes Infamous name off the door, she then walks over to the Janitor’s closet, posting it there. She then looks back at the camera and gives a thumbs up and a wink. Regan just shakes her head when they approach Kelcey Wallace and Peyton Rice, they are close to the Gorilla position, just coming back in from seeing the arena and the stage, Peyton has the Adrenaline Title over her shoulder, they all exchange hugs….


Peyton: “Is this that docuseries you were talking about?”

Regan: “Yeah it is. So, this is Peyton Rice, she is a graduate of Ante Up Academy, also the current Adrenaline Champion who will be facing her former coach and he is a lot of other things, I’m not saying his name.”

Peyton: “Tommy Valentine.”

Regan: “Yeah him, isn’t she just adorable as hell? This is Kelcey Wallace, my cousin and Hall of Famer, the first woman to ever win Talking Hold of the Flame and a Three Time World Champion, she manages some of the best young talent here, including my daughter’s boyfriend.”

Kelcey: “Oh yeah, him. This seems like a lot of fun.”

Regan: “Oh it is, it’s very interesting to say the least.”


Just then Blake Mason walks up, he puts his arms around Kelcey as she smirks, Regan’s eyes widen…


Regan: “You two are strange.”

ReganCastPic-BlakeBlake: “We are?”

Regan: “Dude, first, it’s your production company doing this so I don’t think you should be on camera hanging on Kelcey like a sloth to a tree. Secondly, the only reason you are on camera right now is because of Kelcey.”

Blake: “Me? Never.”

Kelcey: “Oh, she’s right.”

Blake: “Is she?”

Regan: “Yes I am.”

Blake: “I think I better go back behind the camera then.”

Regan: “Yeah, you do that.”


Kelcey smirks and kisses Blake on the cheek. His heart almost stops, feigning a Heart Attack before he smiles and walks off camera….


Regan: “So, uh….”

SiennaCastPic-Kelcey1Kelcey: “Do they follow you everywhere love?”

Regan: “Nice way to change the subject, bitch. Yeah they do.”

Kelcey: “Like everywhere?”

Regan: “Okay, hold on, define everywhere now.”

Kelcey: “I mean like the loo? And in the bedroom?”

Regan: “God no! Well, they were in my bedroom yesterday when I woke up.”

Kelcey: “Bloody hell, did they hear you snore?”


Regan quickly covers Kelcey’s mouth…..


Regan: “You guys didn’t get that right? Okay good! Kelcey, no and they never will.”

Kelcey: “They will if they sleep anywhere in the house.”

Regan: “Okay… good talk.”


Kelcey winks and starts to laugh, Peyton giggles as Delilah boops her in the nose…..


Regan: “We will see you around.”

Kelcey: “Tomorrow night, big match for both of you!”

Regan: “We will celebrate afterwards. Okay follow me to the gorilla position, this is where we wait until our music hits, then the production staff will tell us when to walk out. It’s a real rush man, standing in this room, ready to run out there and entertain the fans, busting your ass to bring the fight to your opponent.”

Delilah: “Personally, I pee a little in my knickers when the music hits, I still haven’t gotten all the pyro timing down, it goes BOOM! And Delilah tinkles.”

Regan: “Jesus Delilah. TMI.”

Delilah: “Was it? Ooops.”


As they walk out on stage, they could hear a man screaming in the first row, pointing out at the stands. He holds an umbrella, a top hat and crow mask. It is Giovanni Aries….


Giovanni: “THE LIZARD KINGDOM must be stopped! The Lizard Princess and all her minions are only seeking to bring down the Wonderland! Perfection poisons this solemn sanctuary! They continue to rally the young and turn them quickly into ego maniacal reptilian drones all in the name of the Perfect Ten Lizard Queen!”


Regan turns to the camera….


ReganCastPic-Regan8Regan: “That is Giovanni Aries, he’s the guy who threw me out of Taking Hold of the Flame and honestly, if you guys were not filming right now, I would go throttle his Wonderland, rabbit hole ass. This guy in the ring is one of the best, but he is a submarine with screen doors. Listen to me carefully, just keep walking, do not engage, do not make eye contact…. HEY! Dude I told you, do NOT make eye contact. Focus on me and Delilah….”


Delilah is staring at Gio….


Regan: “Delilah! Don’t look at him!”

Delilah: “I’m not mate, I’m looking at Jordan, she looks entranced, like she’s seeing me naked or something.”

Regan: “Delilah, did you and ….”

Delilah: “Pump the brakes Regs! No!”

Regan: “Oh for fucks sake….”


Jordan is leaning against the railing at the end of the rampway, she is staring at Giovanni, laughing a little before Regan steps in front of her, blocking her view from Gio…


ReganCastPic-JordanJordan: “Oh hi!”

Regan: “Tell me you’re not listening to this crazy bastard?”

Jordan: “Me? Uh no! Not at all, I just find him funny.”

Delilah: “OMG! ME too!”

Jordan: “I know right!? He is….”

Regan: “Stop! He is NUTS, there is NOTHING funny about him. Besides I….”


Before Regan could finish her sentence, Josh Hudson walks up to her and smiles. Regan immediately smiles back, and they hug….


Delilah: “They are hugging an awful long time.”

Jordan: “I know right. Hey Josh, Regan? How about catching some fresh air huh? Let’s come up for some breathes.”

Regan: “Sorry, Josh and I are good friends, we were in a stable together for a while with Sienna Swann called Past. Present. Future., it was some good times. I’m glad to see you back.”

ReganCastPic-JoshJosh: “Me too, glad to see you, didn’t get to say much last few shows. So, what is going on here?”

Regan: “They are chronicling my life as a wrestler, up to RTG. It’s been interesting to say the least. Let me introduce you guys, one of the best, period in Josh Hudson, future World Champion in Jordan Majors. Jordan is a big part of our family now at Ante Up, she has become an important part of our group. As for Josh, we need to catch up some time soon.”

Josh: “Definitely will.”


Regan smiles and starts to walk toward the ring, Delilah is with her as Josh looks on before he engages conversation with Jordan….


Delilah: “I could tell he liked you.”

Regan: “You’re seeing shit. Now drop it before I ram your face into the steel post.”

Delilah: “You wouldn’t!”

Regan: “Want to test me?”

Delilah: “Yeah….. no.”


They approach the ring, Dean Black head of security is there with a few guards, they are checking everything one last time….


Regan: “Hey Dick, as in detective, not penis.”

Dean: “I know what you meant. Regan, what’s going on?”

Regan: “Filming some things for the docuseries they are doing on me, thanks for agreeing to talk about me earlier in the studio, I really appreciate your participation, because we are all cool and shit, right?”

Dean: “Totally.”


He smiles, as they shake hands…


“I’m Dean Black. Regan Street is a pain in the ass. Let me tell you how many times I have had to throw her out of the goddamn building. Put it this way, I don’t have enough fingers and toes to have an accurate count. Regan is a firecracker, for the longest time she was a rebel, did things her way and didn’t give a damn what other people thought. Every time she enters the building, I must put the officers on alert, if she is not trying to get to someone, then she is causing some havoc. Regan is a free spirit and I must admit, she is dedicated to this sport, she is loyal ONLY to SCW, she means everything that Regan has said and if she makes a threat, you can bet your ass, that woman will follow through. Besides that? Regan is a sweet girl, let me take that back, she is a nice woman when not provoked.”


…. Dean nods and leaves Regan alone, she turns to the camera….


Regan: “Dean is a cool dude. Head of security, he gets his ass kicked a lot but the job he has is tough trying to control everything around us. Okay, so you see that guy sitting at the very top of the arena by himself. That is Konrad Raab. He is a little weird, nice guy at times, though he annoys me, like I just want to kick his head in every time I see him. It’s not personal though, he’s the kind of guy who gets out of the shower to take a piss.”

Delilah: “He is?”

Regan: “Something like that. As you guys can see, wrestling is a huge production, just for a three-hour episode of Breakdown takes days to put together. Wrestlers are in charge of their own travel, as you see most wrestlers get here at around the same time, get settled in and interact, get acquainted. I’ll show you guys the locker rooms and dressing rooms. Follow me…”


Regan and Delilah walk past catering, they see Mikaela there talking to Amy Chastaine and Kelsai Adamson-Mason. Regan approaches the three….


ReganCastPic-AmyAmy: “Oh hey, the docuseries?”

Regan: “Yeah, it’s been a pretty interesting ride. This is Amy Chastaine, the one woman who has had my number for years, she recently hurt herself picking up a bar of soap in the shower and is out forever, but maybe one day we can have a match on wheelchairs, I am hoping.”

Amy: “You are impossible.”

Regan: “I know and ….”

Kelsai: “Oh hi! Let Love in!”

Regan: “Uh, wow. So, this is Kelsai and she loves you all. A great young talent, Amy is her manager and se is in for one hell of a career. A former TV Champion in her own right, Amy a Supreme Champion, fastest ever to get there I believe.”

Amy: “Yes.”

Regan: “Anyway, great to see you guys, Mikaela…..”

Mikaela: “I know.”


As Regan turns, she sees Cookie bouncing up and down with her huge boobs shaking all over the place in front of Derek Adonis. Regan points at her…


Regan: “That’s my opponent tomorrow night, Cookie, in what I like to call the “Clash of the TITans”.”

Delilah: “I…. uh….. that’s genius.”


Shaking her head, Regan walks away, Delilah behind her, walking by the Cannon’s dressing room, she stops and looks at the name….


Regan: “We could start shit and go in there, but then this would probably turn into an ID Discovery special on Murders. So, the Cann….”


Before Regan could finish the door opens and Sienna Swann walks out in heels, pleather pants and matching halter top, she stares at Regan and Delilah who ran behind the Hellcat….


SiennaCastPic-Sienna12Sienna: “I heard your voice, what are the cameras for.”

Delilah: “Doesn’t anyone ever watch promo tv?”

Regan: “Doesn’t seem like it. This is a docuseries about me, before the movie comes out, and I was going to knock on your door and ask if you would be a part of it.”

Sienna: “R… really?”

Regan: “Yeah, really.”

Sienna: “That is so awesome…. No.”


She walks back inside and slams the door shut. Regan’s eyes narrow, turning to the camera and Delilah…


Regan: “Okay, there are two things that piss me off most. Someone hanging up on me or shutting a door in my face. So now I am pissed. And I am ready to kick this fucking door down and kick her ass, watch out….”


As she backs up to kick the door down, Selena Frost shows up, standing right in front of Regan. Delilah stands to the side….


Selena: “Not worth it. Bring them to our locker room.”

Regan: “She slammed the door in my face, and I know it has to do with David winning Taking Hold of the Flame. That was not cool and…”

Selena: “ON camera?”


Regan sighs and turns away, walking toward the dressing room….


Delilah: “Introduce yourself mate.”

ReganCastPic-SelenaSelena: “To what?”

Delilah: “The camera, they want to know who you are.”

Selena: “Oh right…. I am Selena Frost, The Snow Queen and the Face of SCW. Drugs are bad and the leading cause of death among young teenagers they….”

Delilah: “Selena, it’s not a PSA, just tell them who you are.”

Selena: “Oh, right…. I need to get to Regan.”


Delilah facepalms, and let’s the cameras follow Selena to Regan. Once inside, Regan is seen pacing, now she is mad, Selena tries to calm her down….


Selena: “Not worth it. Let’s forget about them and talk about us. Frozen Hell.”

Regan: “Right…. Right. We are back as Frozen Hell; we are going after the World Tag Team titles. It is the last championship I need to become a Supreme Champion. What does it mean to someone like me, the pinnacle of being the best and among a very small class of wrestlers who have that distinct, honor. So no, you see the inner workings of the SCW backstage, I would love to bring you more in the weeks to come. Turn the camera off please.”





Regan turns to Selena; she sighs before they both embrace in a hug….


Regan: “I am sorry for all that shit the last month or so. I didn’t in my wildest dreams ever think things would get this far. Frankly, I had no idea what I was going to do, who would help me. After the letter you sent me, I was for sure that was the end of our tag team.”

Selena: “Never. I made you a promise, I would stand by your side and fight to the bitter end. The others I am sure were tempting, going up against the Connection especially David, I know how much you wanted to be Tag Team Champions with him, but I must confess.”

Regan: “What is it?”

Selena: “I was happy he won Taking Hold of the Flame, because I knew I could get my chance with you again.”

Regan: “Selena…. I was never going to abandon you. I made the decision to be a tag team with you here, alright? This was always about us and when I become Supreme Champion, it will be with you by my side, do we understand?”

Selena: “Yes, I love you sister.”

Regan: “I love you too.”


As they embrace, Regan’s eyes shift toward the cameraman, she doesn’t see a light on, quickly pointing for them to start recording again….




She then winks, holding on to their embrace.


Selena: “You are totally filming this right now, aren’t you?”

Regan: “Yes, just roll with it.”


Selena tries not to laugh as does Regan, but it is too hard to contain.


ReganCastPic-Selena“Regan Street is my best friend in the sport, she is my tag team partner, and my sister in arms. We are practically family and it wasn’t always that way for a few years, we were bitter enemies but had to learn quickly to adjust and learn that we were better friends than anything else. I think you guys picked the absolute perfect wrestler to do this docuseries. She is like many in the business, she does have enemies who would tell you different, but they will never know the real Regan, suck in their own bubbles. I am proud to call her a friend, and most of all, I will be standing right there next to her when she becomes a Supreme Champion. BELIEVE IT!”



Later That Night

Downtown Bistro

8:00 PM


Regan sits across from David in a black dinner dress and peep toe pumps with her hair down, David is in his suit, no tie. They both share a cocktail before gazing into each other’s eyes and having some quiet time alone….


David: “So how has it been so far?”

Regan: “Tiring, a little crazy and a bit weird trying to have a romantic little dinner with you and we have the camera and mic like right above us. I like the sense that I am being recorded. It keeps me on my toes in a way, I tend to be more comfortable around people with the camera pointed right at me if that makes any sense.”

David: “It does and doesn’t in a way, but that is okay babe, from what I saw I thought it went well. Imagine the blooper reel, I could see it now, all the things that were cut out. Honestly, this is exciting times for both of us, and they get to see the inner workings of wrestling and what you go through. Cookie is going to be tough tomorrow night.”

Regan: “I know, it’s one of those trap matches, if I don’t take her serious, she is going to beat me. If I do take her too seriously, then I am going to be quite disappointed. I’m in a flux, all I know is that I am going out there to kick her ass, I don’t care how well she is liked.”

David: “I wouldn’t expect anything else.”


As she takes a sip of her drink, Regan grabs David’s hand….


Regan: “I wanted you to team with me and go after those tag team titles, but what I want more is for you to focus on Bree and RTG, Main Event and take the title and bring it home. She earned her spot there, and so did you. I talked to Selena today, we are all back on the same page. We are ready to do whatever it takes to get the chance and take it all the way. Don’t worry about me babe, because I know that deep down in your heart, you do. And everything that has been happening even with Ante Up, needs to come to an end, all of it.”

David: “There is no burying the hatches, there is no turning back babe, what’s done is done, and now we have to deal with all the consequences, no matter what. I know that I am prepared to handle it, are you?”

Regan: “Yeah, I am. I don’t know what else to do, other than take what I can and make the best of the chance given, just like you have. You’re going to kill it babe.”

David: “So are you.”
David pauses for a second, he starts thinking about a few things, then smirks, leaning in and slowly caressing Regan’s hand…..


David: “Why don’t you say we take Dessert and head back to our hotel room, where I will give you a hot oil massage and let the rest of the night take us….. shit….. we are being recorded, aren’t we?”

Regan: “Uh, yeah babe. And now everyone is thinking you massaging me with hot oil.”


David leans back in his seat and covers his face, screaming a little as Regan starts to laugh. It is easy to forget that you are on camera, being filmed at the most opportune times, but in the end, the Chronicles of Regan Street are simply just beginning. They are in for an adventure, and in just the last two days it has been a change of pace, a welcomed one at that, now they just need to make sure and find something else kinky to do, as the world already knows the last one….

And Regan will never let him forget it.







“We talked about consequences, what is it like balancing your life with wrestling. How do you and David Helms deal with the rigors of the sport, as you also have two children, adoptive son and daughter, AJ and Jennifer who both also wrestle. How do you do it?”

ReganCastPic-Regan9“Very carefully, ha ha ha. Seriously, this is the part I never was able to fully comprehend. I don’t know how many times I banged my head against the wall trying to figure out how to shut things off when I came home. It’s not easy. Wrestling is this huge adrenaline rush, man let me tell you, there is NOTHING like stepping into a ring and looking across at your opponent, bringing the fire. For those how ever long the match lasts, whether it be five minutes or an hour, there is this emotional investment that takes its toll each and every time you go out there. When we win, it’s happiness, a feel of accomplishment. When we lose? It could be anger, sometimes just stuck in a lucid state trying to figure out why you lost and how you can improve. When I first started to have this family, I struggled heavily with bringing my work home, it actually sucked because I was terrible at it. It would get in the way with my true emotions, there was no filter, no way I could have a switch to shut everything off, I lived wrestling twenty-four seven, and you can’t do that. It’s tough to stop and realize what is going on and when you do, you’re in danger of losing your family. As I matured and started to believe in myself as a parent and someone that can separate my life in wrestling and family, things became less complicated. Adjustments, that’s the key, remembering that what happened in the ring did not happen in your real life.”

“When you adopted AJ and later Jennifer, did you think they would ever become wrestlers, champions at that?”

“Jennifer, I did, I was training her long before her parents literally abandoned her, and we took her in as our own daughter. I knew once she was able to focus, I didn’t have a doubt in my mind she would be great in the ring one day. AJ on the other hand was different, David and I thought we were getting a younger kid, boy were we wrong. He was almost an adult, he and Dave hit it off right away, became fascinated with wrestling and not long after that he was there, it was around the same time David, Matty and Tommy opened Ante Up Academy, timing was perfect. So now they are champion wrestlers and we are one big wrestling family.”

“Will your younger son be a pro wrestler?”

“God, I hope not.”

“You put a lot of emphasis on winning and losing, many others don’t, can you explain why?”

“Sure, you’re not losing and winning a title or a huge match. See, this is where my opinions maybe different than others. Winning and losing are all a part of this business, it is a sport based on your individual success, or even tag team success, but do you see those that lose all the time hold gold? They may get the opportunity but why? I am a firm believer in paying your dues, yet some of these new wrestlers that come in automatically think they can just walk in here, get title matches and pretend everything is okay. To them, there are throw away matches, even some of the vets here believe it, they don’t take every single fight the same, some don’t come to work every week, BUT I DO. My record is pretty damn good because I treat every match the same, from the top to the bottom, it never mattered, and it never changed because I believe EVERY WIN and EVERY LOSS counts. Maybe a lot of people are not measured by their record, more what they do on a daily basis, but the best always rise to the top with the biggest wins. It’s not to lose if you just accept it and move on, learn from it, make the proper adjustments and be better the next time you face them again.”

“One Final question…. In one word, describe Cookie, your next opponent?”








The Arcadia Round Barn is a landmark and tourist attraction on historic U.S. Route 66 in Arcadia, Oklahoma, United States. It was built by local farmer William Harrison Odor in 1898 using native bur oak boards soaked while green and forced into the curves needed for the walls and roof rafters. A second level was incorporated for use as a community gathering place. The town of Arcadia developed and prospered with the arrival of the railroad and in the 1920s the newly commissioned Route 66 was aligned through the town, passing next to the Round Barn. Over time, the barn became the most photographed landmark on Route 66. With the reduction of traffic along Route 66 following the arrival of the Interstate, Arcadia and the barn likewise declined. In 1988 the 60-foot diameter roof collapsed. A team of volunteers led by Luther Robison worked to rebuild the structure, and restoration work was completed in 1992. Today the old barn is a tourist attraction and visitors admire the architectural and engineering details of America’s only truly round barn.

Inside the bard stands the current Television Champion, Regan Street along with Delilah and Mikaela, her protégé and younger sister. Regan had a tough match against Void last week but was able to get back on track after having the worst performance of her career at Taking Hold of the Flame. Now she has vowed to take this TV title all the way on the road to Rise to Greatness and continue to run the gauntlet no matter what. There are a lot of big things happening in The Hellcat’s life right now, none more than her life being recorded as she goes about on her everyday chores, some of that is filmed and aired on TV, so that the people can relate to Regan Street especially with a huge movie going into production about her life soon thanks to the works of Impact Media, the film and production company owned by Shaun Cruze and Blake Mason. It is a new venture for the Helms Family and so far, so good. Regan is able to be seen as more than a bigger than life wrestler which she portrays on TV and now she has a very important defense against a woman who has been around the SCW for quite sometime but has only had a few professional matches under her belt, in Cookie. Regan is not looking past Cookie, but she is also asking herself what she did to get a title shot after a couple of matches, though one, lasting longer in the THoTF match. Wearing ripped jeans, a baseball cap, Converse Sneakers with no socks on, her long brunette hair hanging out of the cap and a Bang! t-shirt, with glossy nails, and the TV title over her shoulder, she looks over at Delilah and Mikaela who are also dressed somewhat the same, before the recording begins…




Regan takes a second, looking around the barn before she turns to the camera and starts to speak…


ReganCastPic-Regan6“Here I am standing in the middle of this huge barn, wondering to myself what the hell am I doing here. They have some events that take place, it is actually a pretty cool venue, they even have the local wrestling chapter putting on shows, people making $50-100 a match. There is a circus show, sometimes I feel like the SCW is the big top, but when it is all said and done, it is my home and I feel like I have done something to build on it. After having a pretty disastrous Taking Hold of the Flame for my standards and then seeing my husband, David win and making it all worth it, I needed to concentrate on the Television Championship. We also saw that Frozen Hell is reunited and I hope this means that we will get a Tag Team title shot in the very near future that being Rise to Greatness. Look, beggars can’t be choosers, I am not trying to be a gold hog, I want to be a Supreme Champion and defend the Tag Titles against all comers if we get the opportunity to take them off Kandis and Tommy. As that is playing out though, I am running the weekly gauntlet each and every single Breakdown, in hopes to show that I can outlast them all and walk out making history as the longest reigning of all time….

Why is this important to me?

Simple, I want to be the best.

Last week I faced Void, a very dangerous woman that has gone through a complete overhaul. In the process she gave me a hell of a match where I was thrown pillar to post for a lot of it, and truly enjoyed it, because each week, I face either the top talent, the up and coming talent or the hot flavor of the month, it doesn’t matter to me. I look at Delilah, who in such a short stint almost won the World’s Best Tag Team Tournament, which in reality she has a point, her and Hugo were robbed of a chance to have a rubber match, but it is a learning experience for her. All of us entering the SCW have in some way found ourselves with the short end of the stick, I know I have many times over and so with that, we pick ourselves off the mat, dust it off and move on….

But I don’t.

I fester, I try to find different ways to get my just, start looking at what I did right and wrong, make those adjustments, see it for who I am and what I can do, the same philosophy I instill in Delilah and my kids, that is why I know I will be successful, able to deal with all the bullshit that is thrown at me like Tommy and Kandis, who are constantly trying to ruin my goals, everything that I worked up to and they will stop at nothing to derail David and my success. See, though, as I stand in this barn, thinking of the local wrestlers who dream to one day have the spot or opportunity that I have had, I think about this TV Title, and for many it is their first belt, the one they win and get a taste for Championship Gold. At other times, veterans get the chance to do the same, a starting point to get back to the top, which is a perfect example for someone like Kennedy Street. When she was at the bottom of the barrel, the last knot on her rope, she won this belt and moved forward until she became a World Champion again. For me though? It’s a title I can elevate, show to this company that the only way you’re going to take this from me is if you’re at the top of your game. Beating me can make a career, that’s not arrogance, it is fact. Nothing I do is easy, and when you think of the legends of today and future Hall of Famers who have held the belt, from Ravyn Taylor, Jake Starr, Damian Angel, Christy Matthews, Sienna Swann, Selena Frost, Amy Chastaine, Aaron Blackbourne, Peyton Rice and others, it is hard for me to fathom….

Putting Cookies name on the list.

That’s not an insult, it is a sad truth.”


Delilah who gets along well with Cookie, eyes widen some, she can see some fire coming from Regan Street, like she is wondering why she’s even facing her. Regan though takes a few steps, holding the TV Title, wondering what would happen if she lost to Cookie. She takes a deep breath, tries to catch herself before she says something regretful. Regan while knowing Cookie is a sweet girl, she does at times find her quite annoying. She sighs and turns to the camera, speaking….


“I personally have nothing against Cookie, I saw her in action at Taking Hold of the Flame, and she did last longer than me, she also made her presence felt before being eliminated, but for the first time ever being in the match, it was quite a respectable showing. At Fatal Fortunes, she teamed up with Giovanni Aries, the man who eliminated me from the Flame, she and that crazy fuck faced Sienna Swann and Jake Starr, and yes she pinned a former World Champion and her team defeated two of the best in the SCW since 2009, again impressive. I watched Cookie, she has all the tools to become a Champion here in the SCW, that is for sure, I can see her fun-loving personality and carefree attitude go over with the fans. It is infectious. The KABLAMnation is at full force, Derek Adonis defeated Syren during Fatal Fortunes as well, something I never thought I’d see in my wildest dreams, so they are on a roll which is quite obvious, hot as a potato and ready to make their mark here in the SCW. Derek has held this belt and why not Cookie, right?

There’s only one problem with all of this.

I hold the strap this time, the one she wants, I am the Champion she needs to beat, I am the one person she needs to take the title off so she can feel important, happy and jump around dauntlessly watching her huge fake tits bob up and make the fans and Jordan Majors bite their knuckles. Well, that is all great and dandy, I am extremely happy that Cookie gets the chance to become a Champion here and show the world that anything in the SCW can happen. At Fatal Fortunes, I defeated Asher Hayes, Katie Steward and Xander Valentine to retain this title, I’m not going to have my reign end with a cosplayer turned wrestler, again no offense, but I need to ask, how did she earn this? Does it really matter at this point? Cookie has been around for a long time, she has been a manager, a mouthpiece, she stepped in the ring at Rise to Greatness last year, I think overall she has been in the ring maybe 3-4 times. Yes, she showed skill like she’s been wrestling for years, sure she is a tremendous athlete who has all the tools to be a huge competitor here, yes she is entertaining, unique, a barrel of laughs and everyone loves her, the fans will probably get behind her more than me and I am okay with this.

Cookie is the future of the SCW….

But fuck you if anyone thinks that future is now. I’m sorry for the ego trip, but I am Regan Street, “The Hellcat” and while the wins she has had and the time in The Flame was pretty awesome, I am not about to cough up MY TV title to her on my way towards Rise to Greatness. See, here is a reality and this is where you come in Cookie. I have nothing personal against you, when you tweeted me a few weeks back, and said that you cannot wait until getting in the ring with me, I shook my head, for one reason, as a competitor you’ve barely touch the mat and calling me out? I found that a bit disrespectful and look, if you could go out there and defeat me for the TV Title, I would not only shake your hand, I would hand you the belt myself, because then you’ve earned my respect.

Here is my issue though Cookie…

You think this is all a big fucking hoo-ha joke.

For the last four years, this KABLAM thing has been the talk of it all, the sexual innuendos, the constant skits, the KABLAMasutra crap, all the merch, the huge following you guys have, it is one blast, I get it, but at the same time?

I’m not amused.

Cookie, I like to have fun, laugh at jokes, go around and rib people in the locker room. Dave is a character, we make each other laugh, but from the very beginning, this should come as no shock to you Cookie, I have NEVER been one to take my wrestling lightly. I am not a comedian, I am a professional Wrestler and if there is one man, I hate more than any who is a big fan of yours and gee, I wonder why, it is Ace Marshall. Now, Marshall is the kind of man who shows up when he wants, he likes to make fun of the business, he doesn’t take himself seriously, it has brought him success. Adonis, your hubby is another, not as talented as Ace, has scored some huge wins before, he too comes here and it’s the comedy hour.

There is a time and place for it, no doubt, not everything can be the 1980’s pro wrasslin’, there is an audience for it, but when Ace tried to fuck with me, when he thought putting Regan Street in a Tigers cage was a great fucking idea…..

I beat the ever-living shit out of him in a Cage at Hell Hath No Fury.

Cookie, I’m not here to play nice, I’m going to pound you to the mats with everything I have and then some, I will not be laughing….

And neither will you.”


Regan’s green eyes narrow, very serious about her TV Title defense, the Hellcat wants nothing more than to carry the belt into Rise to Greatness. She wants to break the record, continue testing herself against the best. While she has a new outlook and is a changed woman, one thing is for sure, she is not easily amused by anything and anyone. She doesn’t hate Cookie at all, she just doesn’t like the fact she’s challenging her for a title already. Regan takes a few steps; Delilah looks on Knowing Regan is in a foul mood….


“I appreciate how nice you are to Delilah, and do not take this match personal, it isn’t one bit, you’re just not my cup of tea. See, Cookie, this belt needs someone that will show up every week to defend it, they are willing to run the gauntlet far and long as they can, doesn’t matter if RTG is right around the corner or not, Peyton Rice did the exact same thing. I want to make this title important, no offense, I don’t think you can carry it to the same heights as me. Sure, it could be a feel good story, your fans and the locker room who finds KABLAM fun and amusing would go nuts, they can see Cookie beat Regan Street, probably the biggest win in your career, then many can start saying that Cookie has beaten three former World Champions and holds some Gold…

Not at my expense.

I have worked too damn hard to get knocked off by you, I am sorry if I don’t find what you do entertaining, again there is no hate here, no malice, I am not trying to make you feel like I want to completely obliterate and stomp a mud-hole in your ass, I mean I am going to do that anyway no matter what but we can at least come to a healthy conclusion that your games, all this happy go lucky shit, and the KABLAM nonsense, is not going to work with me, Cookie. What I am asking of you,  is to come and fight, I don’t want this to be a massacre and the minute you step in the ring and start shaking your tits, dress up like some cartoon character, laugh and joke around with me, I am going to punch you right in the mouth and knock all your pearly whites the fuck out.

Does this face, look like I am joking?



I have had it, 2020 has been up and down, but come tomorrow night, it will not be a dark cloud on my career, it will not be the night I lose the TV Title to Cookie for Christ’s sakes. I’m actually angry about this, this title is not some novelty act, this belt shows just how much you can take and if my words make me the unpopular one going into this match, so be it. I don’t care to be quite honest and nothing will make a difference in that. I am doing my job, as a wrestler and a champion, nothing has changed in that matter for eight years. With Rise To Greatness Season upon us, I am not allowing a hiccup to take me down and derail my plans. I don’t care how many people I need to wrestle to get there, whether it is now or after RTG, the point is simple….

Cookie, will need raise her game to another level, no stupid little cute and bubbly acts mid-match, this is where she puts the costumes away, tuck in the breasts, cover the ass and look me right in the eyes as Cookie the wrestler and not Cookie the performer. I expect the best, I demand the best and I will GET the best out of you Cookie to the point that I will make sure that when this match is over, that you will truly understand what it takes to be an SCW Wrestler on this roster and God Forbid, if my title is gone, then a Champion as well and you better carry this as I have or I will beat you down myself in the locker room. For I will not settle for anything else, do I make myself clear?

As The Connection have their own matches, trying to ruin what David or even I accomplished, my focus is solely on Cookie but do not think for one second I will not be keeping my eye on that Adrenaline Match for I swear to Christ, you will NOT be cheating that young woman out of the Addy title, I can tell you that much Tommy. Same with you Kandis, the door swings both ways, David and I can play the same game, so you want to get in our business?

We will get in YOURS.

As for you Cookie?

You maybe the Underdog, but I will treat you like a World Champion. Give me everything that you have girl, for whatever happens in the end, I will change you forever and maybe then maybe….

You’ll see things as a professional and not a cute little clown when I end your Championships hopes?

In a CATastrophe.”


Delilah’s eyes widen, Mikaela smirks. As Regan taps the TV Belt, glaring into the camera…..




Cracking a smirk, Regan points to the camera and winks….






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